"and the winner is"...... drumroll.......
Ellie Fordham from Verse Wealth!
We’re excited to announce that Verse Financial Adviser Ellie Fordham was recently crowned the 'Goals based Adviser of the Year' at the Independent Financial Adviser (ifa) Excellence Awards in Sydney. Ellie was chosen as the winner, amongst a field of some of Australia's best financial advisers.
Always humble, and never chasing the limelight, Ellie doesn't strive to win awards - but she definitely deserves them & the accompanying recognition.
It's recognition of a career in advice that has spanned fifteen years, and been built on an unwavering commitment to being the best Adviser she can be, and having the biggest impact she can in the lives of clients. She's long been a leader in the advice community, championing the causes of better advice for more Australians, promoting females within a historically male dominated profession, and helping attract young people to financial advice as a career choice.
At Verse, we've won six different national awards over the last few years. Despite winning a bunch of awards, it gets almost no air time in the offices at Verse; and winning awards has never been something we've aspired to. From day one we've been focussed on helping our clients succeed with their money & in life, and we know that if we continue to do that really well, good things will happen for everyone.
The Verse Team
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