Tax tips and deductions for individuals | EOFY 2020

Tax tips and deductions for individuals | EOFY 2020

Are you an employee looking to reduce your tax?

Our founder, Corey Wastle, recently invited OneLedger Accountant and Director Andrew Hubbard to share his best tax tips and deductions for individuals in the lead up to 30 June.

In this wide-ranging presentation, Andrew provides valuable guidance to help you maximise your refund, in less time.

Andrew covers a range of tax topics including:

1. Tax basics
2. Working from home (COVID-19 relevant)
3. Superannuation
4. Property investing (including negative gearing)
5. Motor vehicle expenses
6. Education expenses
7. Record keeping

If you'd like to get in touch with OneLedger you can connect with them directly, or ask us for a warm introduction.

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You can also download the slides from the presentation here:…/1F1zeqhsIoa9IC6fefbAZMYs2KI…/view

The advice on this website may not be suitable to you because it contains general advice that has not been tailored to your personal circumstances. Please seek personal financial advice prior to acting on this information.

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